четверг, 28 апреля 2016 г.

VM autostart Oracle VirtualBox Windows

Логика:(для рабочей станции на windows)
  1. автовход пользователя. Настраивается через Локальные политики ..
  2. стартуем ВМ  скриптом через "Планировщик заданий" . Триггер по входу пользователя.
  3. Блокируем экран пользователя
 пример скрипта

cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"
vboxmanage startvm "vm_name1"
vboxmanage startvm "

FTP from DOS

Get yourself a DOS prompt, type FTP and hit Enter. You've found 
the built-in command-line FTP program that ships with every copy 
of Windows 95 and NT! That means it's the only thing you KNOW will 
be on someone else's computer. But talking someone through how to 
use FTP is messy. If you need to help someone else out, you're 
better off automating the whole process by supplying them with an 
FTP "script". If you need to learn more about FTP, read on and go 
photocopy the FTP section out of a UNIX or LINUX book.

Before you go further, the sample FTP command lines I give here are 
(like most of my code) for Win9x. If you have NT, don't leave this 
page without checking out the NT difference mentioned at the bottom 
of this page!

FTP supports scripting. You use the "-s:" option to specify a script, 
for example if you name this text SCRIPT.TXT:

open ftp.microsoft.com
cd Products
cd Windows
cd Windows95
cd CDRomExtras
cd AdministrationTools
cd ApplicationTools
lcd c:\
get envars.exe

Then you could execute it like this:


There is one complication. Some people have more than one 
FTP program. So we need to specify we want to use the original. 
Do it by replacing "ftp" in the above example with %windir%\ftp.exe
for example

%windir%\ftp.exe -s:SCRIPT.TXT

By the way, the "envars.exe" the example script above downloads 
is a zipped file that contains two programs. One allows you to 
create shortcuts from DOS, and the other allows you to set 
system environment variables. Both are for Win9x only.

Here are all the command-line options for FTP:
FTP [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:buffer] [-A] [host]

  -v           Suppresses display of remote server responses.
  -n           Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection.
  -i           Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file
  -d           Enables debugging.
  -g           Disables filename globbing (see GLOB command).
  -s:filename  Specifies a text file containing FTP commands; the
               commands will automatically run after FTP starts.
  -a           Use any local interface when binding data connection.
  -A           login as anonymous.
  -w:buffer    Overrides the default transfer buffer size of 4096.
  host         Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote
               host to connect to.

Using the "-A" option logs you in with user and host name you 
specified in your TCPIP setup. Which is why I prefer to specify 
the login name and password in the script.

Here are all the local FTP commands (which you can see by 
typing "help" at an FTP prompt:

!           delete       literal     prompt       send
?           debug        ls          put          status
append      dir          mdelete     pwd          trace
ascii       disconnect   mdir        quit         type
bell        get          mget        quote        user
binary      glob         mkdir       recv         verbose
bye         hash         mls         remotehelp
cd          help         mput        rename
close       lcd          open        rmdir

Just type help (or ?) followed by the command you want a 
description of. For example:
help append
gives this response:
append          Append to a file
Okay, it isn't much. But it's a start. 

You can even turn your script into a batch file:

%windir%\ftp.exe -s:%0
goto done
open ftp.microsoft.com
cd Products
cd Windows
cd Windows95
cd CDRomExtras
cd AdministrationTools
cd ApplicationTools
lcd c:\
get envars.exe
@echo off

I only had to add two lines to the beginning of my script 
and four lines to the end to turn it into a batch file. The 
great part is those same lines will turn ANY FTP script into 
a batch file! The DOS batch file will jump over the ftp 
script part, and the FTP program will just return "Invalid 
command" and go on to the next line harmlessly when it hits 
the DOS batch file commands.

But remember -- this and all files I write are for Win95! If
you find yourself using NT/W2K, you'll need to change the 
%windir%\ftp.exe -s:%0
line in the above code to
%windir%\system32\ftp.exe -s:%~f0 
(or %windir%\system32\ftp.exe -s:"%~f0" if the batch file path has embedded spaces)
NT is different in small ways that make big problems.
(Thanks to Joseph Hayes for pointing that one out!)
Also, if you still have problems on NT, you may need to add 
your "account" to your password in the script file. See here 
for more information:

Now then... Let's assume you don't want to embed your user name 
and password in the FTP batch file or script. Or maybe you want 
to pull the user name from somewhere else. Same problem. You're 
going to have to have your batch file create a separate script 
as it is needed. We'll start with a simple modification of the 
above sample code:

@echo off
>  C:\script.txt echo open ftp.microsoft.com
>> C:\script.txt echo anonymous
>> C:\script.txt echo username@nowhere.com
>> C:\script.txt echo cd Products
>> C:\script.txt echo cd Windows
>> C:\script.txt echo cd Windows95
>> C:\script.txt echo cd CDRomExtras
>> C:\script.txt echo cd AdministrationTools
>> C:\script.txt echo cd ApplicationTools
>> C:\script.txt echo binary
>> C:\script.txt echo hash
>> C:\script.txt echo lcd c:\
>> C:\script.txt echo get envars.exe
>> C:\script.txt echo bye
start /w %windir%\ftp.exe -s:C:\script.txt
del C:\script.txt

Those of you "new" to batch may be confused over the 
"> file echo text" layout. Maybe you are used to 
"echo text > file". They both work the same. The only reason 
I used the unusual layout is that it looks neater and is 
easier to copy and paste.

Now, suppose you had wanted batch file that could be called 
with the user name as parameter one, and the password as 
parameter two. You'd just modify the above code like this:

@echo off
>  C:\script.txt echo open ftp.microsoft.com
>> C:\script.txt echo %1
>> C:\script.txt echo %2
>> C:\script.txt echo cd Products
... and so on

Or maybe you have the user name and password stored in the 
environment as %user% and %pass%. You would do this:

@echo off
>  C:\script.txt echo open ftp.microsoft.com
>> C:\script.txt echo %user%
>> C:\script.txt echo %pass%
>> C:\script.txt echo cd Products
... and so on

Notice at the end of this batch file, I run FTP by using the 
START command with the /W (wait) option. That's so we don't 
delete the script we made until FTP is done using it! Under NT, 
sometimes (quite often) NT won't wait on a program even if you 
specify /w. In those cases, you may have to specify other 
options for START and force FTP to run in the same memory space 
as your batch file.

If you want a few ways to prompt a user for user names and 
passwords, check out the sample code on this page:
or read about it in general here:

If you want to embed your user name in your batch file but don't 
want it visible, read my advice here:

::  http://www.ericphelps.com

среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

FTP-сервер (ProFTPd) Ubuntu14.04.2

FTP-сервер (ProFTPd) на Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 

часть 1 проверена на Ubuntu14.04.2

Задача: поднять FTP-сервер (возможно, с шифрованием) в локальной сети, а именно установить и настроить ProFTPd на Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
1. http://vdsadmin.ru/ftp-proftp-ftpasswd
2. http://www.proftpd.org/docs/
3. http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_Limit.html
4. http://www.debianadmin.com/list-of-ftp-clients-available-in-linux.htm
5. https://forums.proftpd.org/smf/index.php?topic=1198.0
6. http://www.masterit.ru/5-besplatnyx-sftp-menedzherov-dlya-windows/
7. http://www.coreftp.com/download.html
8. http://proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_tls.html
9. sysadmins.ru/topic347156.html
10. http://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/modules/mod_sftp.html

Часть 1. Ставим простой FTP-сервер на Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
1. Устанавливаем ProFTPd:
sudo apt-get install proftpd-basic
В процессе установки выбираем ответ standalone, т.е. самостоятельный запуск FTP-сервера, а не через суперсервер inetd.
2. Пусть каталоги будущих пользователей будут находится в /home/ftp . Создаем этот каталог:
sudo mkdir /home/ftp
Пусть у нас будут два пользователя: vasya и petr. Для каждого из них заведем отдельную папку в каталоге /home/ftp:
sudo mkdir /home/ftp/vasya
sudo mkdir /home/ftp/petr
3. Перед тем, как создавать пользователей нашего FTP-сервера, необходимо отметить следующее. Поскольку эти пользователи являются виртуальными по отношению к ОС, то возникает проблема обращения к каталогам и файлам FTP-сервера. Предположение о том, что доступ к файлам и каталогам будет осуществлять сам FTP-сервер с именем proftpd и группой nogroup, неверно. При обращении к кокому-либо файлу будет использоваться UID и GID конкретного пользователя FTP-сервера. Поэтому логично будет создавать пользователей с такими же UID, что и у какого-либо реального пользователя в системе, прописанного в /etc/passwd . Далее в качестве такого пользователя возмем сам proftpd . Чтобы узнать его UID, выполним команду:
cat /etc/passwd | grep proftpd
результат будет примерно таким
Следовательно, пользователей будем создавать с UID 110.
3.1  Создаем пользователей vasya и petr:
sudo ftpasswd --passwd --file=/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd --name=vasya --shell=/bin/false --home=/home/ftp/vasya --uid=110 --gid=65500
sudo ftpasswd --passwd --file=/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd --name=petr --shell=/bin/false --home=/home/ftp/petr --uid=110 --gid=65501
3.2 Сменим владельца и группу для всех созданных каталогов, чтобы пользователи FTP-сервера (с UID=110, как мы уже условились) смогли что-либо делать с ними:
sudo chown -R proftpd:nogroup /home/ftp
4. Правим конфигурационный файл /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf :
Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf
# Отключаем использование протокола IP v6
UseIPv6 off
# Имя FTP-сервера
ServerName "Ubunftp"
# Режим запуска FTP-сервера
ServerType standalone
DeferWelcome off
# Порт, который будет слушать FTP-сервер
Port 21
# выдавать многострочные сообщения в стандарте RFC 959 или RFC 2228
MultilineRFC2228 on
DefaultServer on
ShowSymlinks on
# Таймаут на передачу - вошел и не начал передачу (мс.)
TimeoutNoTransfer 600
# Подвисание во время передачи файлов (мс.)
TimeoutStalled 600
# Таймут бездействия после входа (мс.)
TimeoutIdle 1200
# Сообщение, которое будет показываться пользователю при входе
DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
ListOptions                 "-l"
# Запретить закачивать файлы, начинающиеся на точку
DenyFilter \*.*/
# Максимальное количество дочерних процессов
MaxInstances 30
# Пользователь, под которым будет запускаться FTP-сервер
User proftpd
# Группа, с которой будет запускаться FTP-сервер
Group nogroup
# Маска (права доступа) для файлов (первое значение 022) и каталогов (второе значение 022), создаваемых в каталогах
Umask 022  022
# Разрешить перезаписывать существующие файлы
AllowOverwrite on
# Для каждого пользователя в качестве корневого каталога устанавливаем его домашнюю папку. В этом случае пользователь не сможет выйти выше, т.е. попасть в /home/ftp или /home/ftp/petr
DefaultRoot ~
# Настраиваем права доступа к пользовательским каталогам
# для каталога  /ftp/vasya:
<Directory /home/ftp/vasya>
# Пусть vasya не сможет редактировать содержимое каталога (закачивать файлы, создавать папки, ...)
<Limit WRITE>
# , но сможет читать файлы
<Limit READ>
AllowUser vasya
# и, как исключение из первого правила, удалять их
<Limit DELE>
AllowUser vasya
# для каталога  /ftp/petr:
<Directory /home/ftp/petr>
# Пусть petr имеет полный доступ к своей папке (закачивать файлы, скачивать файлы, создавать папки, удалять )
<Limit WRITE>
AllowUser petr
# Настраиваем логи
TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
SystemLog   /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
# Отключаем проверку командного интерпретатора пользователя
RequireValidShell off
# указываем файл с учетными записями для авторизации пользователей
AuthUserFile        /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd
# Include other custom configuration files
Include /etc/proftpd/conf.d/
5. Перезапускаем ProFTPd:sudo service proftpd restart
sudo service proftpd restart
Должно все работать. Проверить работу FTP-сервера можно так:
ftp localhost

Дополнительно настраиваем права (иточник)
sudo chmod 440 /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd && sudo chown proftpd.root /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd
Еще одна возмодная проблема:

The workaround is to edit the service file, to add a retry.
Find this line:
start-stop-daemon --stop --signal $SIGNAL --quiet --pidfile "$PIDFILE"
Change to this:
start-stop-daemon --stop --signal $SIGNAL --retry 1 --quiet --pidfile "$PIDFILE"
This change solved it for me.

 Часть 2. FTP-сервер с SSL/TLS-шифрованием на Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
6. Сейчас можно прикрутить к нашему серверу SSL/TLS-шифрование. Сначала сгенерируем сертификат и ключ:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/proftpd/proftpd.cert.pem -keyout /etc/proftpd/proftpd.key.pem
7. Теперь отредактируем файл конфигурации /etc/proftpd/tls.conf, но сперва скопируем его, на свякий случай:
cp /etc/proftpd/tls.conf /etc/proftpd/tls.conf.old
  и добавляем в /etc/proftpd/tls.conf следующее: 
TLSEngine                  on
TLSLog                     /var/log/proftpd/tls.log
TLSProtocol                SSLv23
TLSOptions                 NoCertRequest
TLSRSACertificateFile      /etc/proftpd/proftpd.cert.pem
TLSRSACertificateKeyFile   /etc/proftpd/proftpd.key.pem
TLSVerifyClient            off
# если хотите всё таки разрешить обычное соединение, поставьте TLSRequired off
TLSRequired                on

8. В конец конфигурационного файла /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf добавим строку
Include /etc/proftpd/tls.conf
9. Перезапускаем Proftpd:
sudo service proftpd restart 
Сейчас проверим, работает ли шифрование. Установим ftp-ssl :
sudo apt-get install ftp-ssl
и попробуем подключиться:
ftp-ssl localhost
 Если после ввода логина и пароля выходит приглашение ftp> , значит все работает.
На Windows мне не удалось подключиться к такому FTP ни через Total Commander (с плагинами), ни через FileZilla Client: в /var/log/proftpd/tls.log было видно, что соединение заканчивается с ошибкой
SSL/TLS required but absent on control channel, denying ... command
По видимому, эта ошибка возникала из-за того, что клиент начинал подключаться так, как подключается к обычному FTP, в то время, как требовалось установление SSL/TLS сессии.
 Подключиться смог только CoreFTP. Но для этого пришлось в /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf добавить следующее: 
<IfModule mod_tls.c>
TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired
Эта опция, как я понял, отменяем требование к клиенту работать в одной продолжиющейся сессии. Клиент может выполнять новую команду, создав новую SSL сессию. Это и делает CoreFTP. На рисунке ниже привожу настройки соединения CoreFTP.
 Часть 3. SFTP-сервер на базе ProFTPd и Ubuntu 12.04 
10. Теперь попробуем приктутить SFTP.
Закомментируем все строки в /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf, относящиеся к использованию tls, а именно:
#<IfModule mod_tls.c>
#TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired
#Include /etc/proftpd/tls.conf
 Продолжаем реадктировать конфигурационный файл /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf: добавляем следующее
#Если есть модуль SFTP, то применять следующие настройки 
<IfModule mod_sftp.c>
SFTPEngine            on
SFTPHostKey           /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
SFTPHostKey           /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
SFTPLog               /var/log/proftpd/sftp.log
SFTPCompression       delayed 
SFTPAuthMethods password # метод авторизации - пароль
 # запрещаем подключаться всем (DenyALL) для того, чтобы пользователи из /etc/passwd не могли подключаться, и разрешаем пользователям vasya и petr  
<Limit LOGIN>
AllowUser vasya, petr
Проверим как работает:
sftp -P 21 petr@localhost
Если после ввода пароля выходит приглашение sftp> , значит работает. Для того, чтобы удостоверится в том, что сервер пускает только пользователей из файла /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd , выполним команду:
sftp -P 21 localhost
Даже если введем верный пароль текущего пользователя, все равно получим отказ
Permission denied, please try again.
При использовании SFTP с Windows-машины уже можно легко подключиться через FileZilla client.

вторник, 26 апреля 2016 г.

total ban list

Список вражеских сайтов

В предыдущем сообщении я писал о том, как настроить squid на блокирование сайтов, перечисленных в текстовом файле. Где такой список взять? Например, там:
1) Список из 2414 сайтов с сайта www.antiporno.org;
2) Список нежелательных сайтов с сайта ru-board.com;
3) http://rejik.ru/
4) http://www.squidguard.org/blacklists.html

А можно  использовать бесплатные DNS серверы NetPolice.ru, а именно:

Получаем почти 100% защиту от вражеских сайтов. 

вторник, 19 апреля 2016 г.

A 12V Car Charger For ASUS Eee Notebook

A 12V Car Charger For ASUS Eee Notebook

The ASUS Eee is a fantastic ultra-portable notebook with almost everything required for geeks (and nothing that isn’t). Plus it features fantastic build quality and is very well priced. If you live in New Zealand you can get them from DSE; at the time of writing they are the exclusive supplier. I worked out it’s the same cost as importing one once you include all the duties and tax, plus you get the advantage of a proper NZ-style mains charger. Anyway, being so small I thought it would be nice to be able to carry this around in the car. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a car charger available anywhere at the time so I decided to tackle the problem myself. As a bonus this provides an opportunity for an external high-capacity battery. 

Commercial Equivalent:
I thought at this stage it would be worth noting that a commercial car charger is now available for less than it cost me to build this from Expansys and is available in most countries (select your location on their site). It outputs 9.5v from 10-18v in at up to 2.5A. I’d actually recommend it over the design here is it seems to perform better at lower voltages (that one works down to 10V). However I have kept this page up as a reference for those who enjoy tinkering.
The charger included with the Eee is rated at 9.5v, 2.315A. There isn’t a fixed voltage regulator available for this exact voltage, so the circuit needed to be designed around an adjustable regulator. I decided to design the charger around the LM2576 “Simple Switcher” IC from National Semiconductor. There are tons of ICs like this available, many of which are a bit more efficient, however I selected this one because it is readily available and relatively cheap. It also has a lower drop-out voltage (~2V) than many other chips I looked at which is important when powering the device from a car or 12v SLA battery.

This circuit could have used a standard three pin regulator IC such as the LM317, however most types require an external transistor when handling so much current and not to mention the fact that they are very inefficient; they draw the same amount of current from the input as the load and the difference in power is dissipated as heat. The main problem with using the LM2576 is the fact it needs quite a large inductor due to its somewhat low switching frequency. The inductor I used is made by Pulse Engineering, part number PE92108KNL. I’d prefer a smaller one, however I couldn’t find one capable of supplying the required current that I could purchase in single units. Besides the PE92108KNL is apparently designed specifically to work with the LM257x series.

The circuit also includes a low voltage cut-out based on a 9.1v Zener diode and BC337 transistor that will shut down the regulator if the input voltage is below 11.5V. This prevents unstable operation of the regulator at lower input voltages, and also helps prevent accidental flattening of the supply battery. Substituting this transistor for similar type may affect the cut-out voltage; the Vbe of the transistor should be 1.2v.All of the components used should be pretty readily available in most areas. I got everything from Farnell. Jaycar also sells everything except the inductor. Make sure you specify high temperature, low ESR capacitors as these help result in more stable operation and better efficiency of the charger.
Unfortunately the end result is a charger that is slightly bulkier than I would really like. I attempted to fit this inside an old mobile phone charger case so the whole thing could hang out of the cigarette lighter, however I ran into trouble making the circuit stable enough and dissipating all the heat. Due to the high current involved compared to a mobile phone charger the components are much bulkier so it’s pretty tricky to get all to fit! If I do get it finished I’ll add an update.
Parts List:
  • 2× 10k resistor (R1 & R4)
  • 2× 22k resistor (R2 & R3)
  • 1× 1.5k resistor (R5)
  • 1× 120μF 25v electrolytic capacitor (C1)
  • 1× 2200μF 16v electrolytic capacitor (C2)
  • 1× 1N5822 Schottky diode (or equivalent)
  • 1× 9.1v 0.5W Zener diode
  • 1x BC337 NPN transistor
  • 1x LM2576T-ADJ IC
  • 1× 100uH, 3A inductor (e.g. Pulse PE92108KNL)
  • 25°C/W or better minature heatsink (e.g. Thermalloy 6073)
  • Cigarette lighter plug with 3A fuse and 2.1mm DC plug (e.g. DSE P1692)
  • 2.1mm DC chassis mount socket
  • 1.7mm x 4.75mm (ID x OD) DC plug and cable
  • Small plastic enclosure
Building It:
Make yourself a PCB using the template below (600dpi). I simply laser print (or photocopy) the design onto OHP transparency sheet and then transfer the toner onto a blank PCB using a standard clothes iron. Any missing spots can be touched up with a permanent marker before etching. This is quick, usually results in pretty tidy boards and hardly costs a thing. There is a tutorial on a variation of this method at
Install the components on the PCB and triple check the layout before soldering. It is much easier to start with the low profile components such as resistors and diodes, then install the larger components after-wards. Don’t forget the wire link; this is shows as a red line on the layout guide above. Remember to smear a small amount of heatsink compound on the regulator tab before mounting the heatsink.
For a case I used a small plastic enclosure from DSE, part H2840, as it was all the local store had in stock that was remotely suitable. The PCB is designed to fit into this particular case, however any small box should be suitable. If you have a dead laptop charger lying about it might be worth ripping the guts out of that and salvaging the case. If your enclosure is different you may need to modify the design to suit, so I have provided the schematic and PCB design files for download. They were created using Eagle. The Eee uses a standard 1.7mm DC power connector with a positive tip.

Connect the circuit to a 12v supply. If you use a car or lead acid battery ensure you have a 3A fuse fitted in line with the circuit before connecting it, just in case. Use your multimeter to check that the circuit outputs about 9.45v with no load. Connect a 12V, 21W lamp (e.g. old brake lamp from a car) or similar load across the output and check that the voltage doesn’t vary much. You should now be able to connect your Eee. The circuit design should be good for up to 2.5A, so there is plenty of margin for the Eee to fully function and charge its own battery off this supply.
SLA Battery Carry-bag:
Jaycar have a really cool carry bag with a shoulder strap designed to perfectly fit a 12v 7AH sealed lead acid battery. The bag features a fused cigarette lighter socket and is the perfect compliment to this charger. It works well with the Eee and provides hours of extra use. The shoulder strap means it’s not too bothersome to carry about and the charger circuit itself zips up neatly inside the bag. The under-voltage cut-off means the battery will never run completely flat, and the Eee will simply cut over to its internal battery once the SLA runs out. I got my SLA battery from Rexel as they are much cheaper (approx NZ$18 including GST last time I bought one) and they don’t sit as long on the shelf as many other suppliers.

This circuit is intended for people who have had experience in constructing electronic projects before. The circuit design and build process are provided simply as a reference for other people to use and I take no responsibility for how they are used. If you proceed with building and/or using this design you do so entirely at your own risk. You are free to use the content on this page as you wish, however I do ask that you include a link or reference back to this page if you distribute or publish any of the content to others.

Source: Marlborough Wi-Fi

понедельник, 4 апреля 2016 г.

How to convert HP Standard TCP/IP ports to MS Standard TCP/IP ports

This behavior can occur due to HPTCPMON.DLL, HP's Standard TCP/IP port.
You may easily convert your HP Standard TCP/IP ports to Microsoft Standard TCP/IP ports with the following steps.
  1. Open the registry editor and export the following key to a .REG file.
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\HP Standard TCP/IP Port
  2. Delete the following registry key.
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\HP Standard TCP/IP Port
  3. Open the .REG file created in step 1 with Notepad.
  4. From the Edit menu, choose Replace.
  5. Replace all instances of "HP Standard TCP/IP Port" with "Standard TCP/IP Port" and save the file.
  6. Double click the .REG file to import it.
  7. Change the "Driver" value under the following key back to "tcpmon.dll".
    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port
  8. Restart the Print Spooler service.
NOTE: For Microsoft Cluster servers, substitute the path to the virtual print resource in steps 1 and 2.
(e.g. HKLM\Cluster\Resources\<GUID>\Parameters\Monitors\HP Standard TCP/IP Port)
